Hello Dear Bright Souls!
Thank you for the responses to the Goddess Retreat Ecourse! I am so happy it is going to be available to be shared with more Goddesses who need it!
Now that’s not all that’s been happening this week…On Sunday, after receiving gazillion words of downloads.
I gave up.
I went trampolining
To stretch out my Fairy Wings
I was called a Doveroni
I received a shirt by my honey
that said
“Let It Be.”
Check out the video of September Card Reading (wearing my new shirt) + a special angelic channeling and LOADS OF RAIN! Just when I thought only the day before: “it would be nice if it rained again”.
They surely deserve to be celebrated for an entire day and 10% of proceeds goes to a children charity to help impoverished mothers received clothe and supplies for their babies.
…and there might even be a video of me on that trampoline stretching out my fairy wings for International Angel Day – Fairies are Angels too! (to be uploaded a little later).
{{{Praying every one is safe when it rains, protected, sheltered and cared for}}}