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I unconditionally love you!

Blessed Day to you dear bright soul!

“You are so wonderful and I love you!”

“I NOW choose to start my day looking myself in the eyes and repeating the affirmations that play on my alarm clock because the way I start my day is the way I live my day and the way I live my day is the way I live my life.  — from Lila Simmons on my facebook group: Mirror I love you! You are Wonderful!

What have you told yourself this morning upon awakening? Is it loving and caring to help you have a successful day? Dive into blissful positivity daily and join my Facebook group, post and read what others say to themselves every morning.

I attended Louise Hay’s conference last month right here in Las Vegas and she is quite the happy lady at 85 years old! She carries a small mirror in her bra (among many other things) to continue her affirmation work all day long. Saying kind things to herself has proved be of great value. Her light shines and has helped millions of people heal themselves and get back to positivity.  Hayden joined me for the day long event and I must say he seemed to enjoy himself!

You may not have ever realized this, but do you know that being negative is a choice. Sometimes the trigger gets pulled and we go on automatic. For some it’s anger, or apathy or sadness. But you are not your feelings and you are not your triggering programs. Remember who is in charge? You Are!  And it’s as easy to start loving yourself as it is to disapprove of yourself.

This week I posted a great affirmation on my fridge: “I give myself unconditional approval.”  Since I go to the fridge quite a bit all day long, every time I open it, I am reminded to give myself approval. No matter how my day is going, I have this awesome person who is loving to me all day long and that person is me!

I invite you to join me this month to celebrate Valentine’s Day every day and to start with yourself!  Looking for love on the outside creates a lacking feeling if we don’t get what we hoped for. Filling you up first with the love within that was always there actually makes you more attractive to loving situations on the outside. You can do it! The angels and I are there to support you in this beautiful self-loving ascension every step of the way!

Join us this month for a little self love Angel Meditation on February 14th at 6pm, followed by Earth Angel in Training on Saturday and International Oracle Card Reading on Tuesday February 21st. All at our beloved Ganesha Center.

May the angels in your life guide you daily and inspire you to have more Spiritual Adventures!

In blissful devotion,

Danielle Dove

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