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How to Live a Lucky Life

Hello Thankful Soul!

Want to live a lucky life?

I am oozing with mucho gratitude for life these days. I can’t explain it but it looks like good old Mercury has been cleaning the last cobwebs out of my mind + heart and it feels so spacey, roomy and fun inside me.

This is how I feel,

Happy Clam Swingin'

My son (Hayden) did a much better job at portraying it then I did.

Check out my latest mommy fun while baby naps project, a Salvador Dali camera lens on my Ipad! Pretty cool right?

This week I have so many awesome free gifts + opportunities to get you feeling as happy as a Hayden Clam Swingin’. Keep on Readin’ Soul Journeyer.

I had soo much fun creating a Spiritual Riches Worksheet + meeting with a Master from Burma and letting my soul dance around a Goddess Temple with 4 other gracious gorgeous women.

Oh Blessed Holiday!

December already?? I’ve had to catch myself: it’s not August anymore. December is just around the corner. How did it happen? Many times a week I still think we are in the summer and September is yet to come.

Maybe it’s because since August,

I sort of left the planet to lead 2 retreats and travel to the Hawaiian Islands.

I wrote 4 Ebooks in 4 weeks.

My baby transformed into a walking toddler and  turned one on 11/12/12

I’ve taken 2 tele-courses to keep me on track with creating a life I love

and it all feels as though I’ve been ascending to planet Venus nightly with a hop over to Mercury for some deep healing. Can you relate?

Time to get real!

I landed back on earth the other day when my darling sister was kind enough to call my life ‘lucky’.

I believe my life has nothing to do with luck Nada. Not a lick. Here’s how I created my life (not by luck) but my hard core, clear, intentions (and intuitive divine guidance) and how you can too!

It began with meditation. And then it’s still about meditation, although now I get to lead them (yeah!). Two week-ends ago, we were in a meditative state for a good 12 hours communing with God and Goddess at 4 different sacred sites in Vegas

Goddess Kuan Yin got us started under a gorgeous warm sun at the Chaya Monastery, which soon followed by the greeting of Master Chaya himself (from Burma) who now lives at a monastery (named after him) right here in Southwest Las Vegas. We quietly sat down with the master after their morning meditation for a chat. He asked us 5 ladies if we knew how to meditate. In that instant all of us Goddesses morphed into willing students.

We learned about mindful, walking meditation. He taught us about the mind the breath and always coming back to the breath, No matter what the mind tells us.

Our new friend from Burma was giving us simple powerful truth and we were all deeply touched by his presence.

After all, this beautiful master takes a vow for silence for 3 months every year. 3 months. Hum.

Could you go one day with out talking? Two days?

How about a month? Wow.

All day on Saturday during the Goddess Retreat we crossed paths with 2 masters at 2 different temples and 2 Priestesses at 2 different Goddess Sanctuaries. All within miles of each other right here in Las Vegas. Who would have thought so many (free) opportunities for enlightenment could be so close to home?

We were meditating, going inward, channeling, connecting from 9 am to 9 pm. What’s 12 hours of my day when the result is inner peace, abundant joyful living? What’s 8 hours a week? What’s 2 hours a day? What’s 3 months of silence to the Burmese Master ?

The currency of spiritual riches: you’ve got to put in the time. It’s the best paying job you’ll ever have The more time you put in spending time in meditation, practicing what you know, what you’re being guided to know, the richer you will be. Take one step towards God and God takes 10 steps towards you 🙂

Now if anyone looked at my life and gave it the ‘lucky’ stamp, would it not be completely dis-empowering to the rest of the people out there who may want to have a baby and a loving supportive husband AND have a job they love that pays them plenty? How about we throw in + inner peace + happiness + zero debt + zero extra pounds + international traveling + 1,2,3 homes + friends all over the world + 2 passports to travel anywhere.

It was not luck my gorgeous soul sisters and brothers.

Here’s the secret! Ready?

I have put in thousands of hours (+ dollars) into self-development classes, intuitive workshops, retreats and more. Tens of Thousands. I have given thousands away to charities to support the very institutions that have given me freedom. Just this year alone I was able to invest $3,500 in the teachers I believe in so I could continue to grow, to expand and improve as a soul having a human experience.

  1. How much have I put into clothe?

  2. About $100.

  3. How much on getting my nails done?

  4. $20

  5. How much on shoes?

  6. 0

  7. How much on my hair?

  8. $15

  9. How much on cell phone bill?

  10. 0 (don’t have one)

  11. How much on cable/tv?

  12. 0 (don’t have one either)

  13. How many hours on communion with God?

  14. Hundreds of hours – it’s continuous.

  15. How many times have I asked God and His Angels for help?

  16. A gazillion times!

  17. How many times was I humbled out of the ego to live in my heart?

  18. I’ve lost count but I am reaping the rewards.

So my dear friend, soul mate on this planet, may this little secret of mine inspire you to rethink where your time + cash is going and what are you supporting with your energy.

Cuz money and time is energy. Your energy.

A goddess attendee came back from the retreat finding herself no longer wishing to eat anything cooked and downgrading her cable service (yeah!).

My life is amazing because I work my butt off at making it amazing on a daily basis. It’s a full time job and it ought to be. That’s why we came down here in the first place. So we could work out the karma, the knots, the mess.

When I am triggered, I might be in anger or fear or grief for 1 minute and 20 seconds and then I go into deep soul retrieval exercises and release the triggers cuz I don’t want to be a loaded gun spitting bullets at whoever reminds me there’s still pain in my emotional body.

So as you are about to spend time with loved ones this holiday season, know that God sent them down to be triggers so you could let go of the pain within and I am offering the First Pillar of Happiness Meditation (for only $27 $7) so you can get those triggers out and feel better and lighter.

Do I even use my own stuff?

Yes! I had my moments of deep release last week.  Old feelings still came up about loosing my mom to breast cancer. It surprised me as I thought I had dealt with it completely.  A little bit of grief came up. It was really intense but I stuck with it, went towards my feeling instead of resisting it and

the next day it was as though something had left me.

I couldn’t explain it but I could think clearer and I felt more worthy of creating a life of my dreams. I know I can create anything I put my mind to. And

the more people trigger me, the freer I get!

Now how is that for an affirmation ? 🙂


I hope this inspired you to put in the time to learn how to be the master of your whole world and use your magic to create abundant good in the world! Will you take the steps to create your life + work intuitively next year? Will you turn off the phone + TV + magazines and join me?

I hope so. The world awaits your magic.

Keeping those peaceful seeds spreading’

I’ve got a Video

A mini E-Book + Worksheet “Spiritual Currency” AKA Get your God(dess) Moolah!

Get your God(dess) Moolah


a 20 minute meditation on the First Pillar of Happiness that is to help angels help you for only $7. Woohoo!

It’s been a ‘wow’ for  many attendees of the Healing Dove Therapy Certification Program and now it’s made available to you. Yeah!

Letting Go Meditation

 Troubleshooting Help: If link does not work, try a different internet browser (works better in Google Chrome) or send the $7 to via Paypal and I’ll send you the download links.

Thank you!

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