Podcast: Beyond Forgiveness
Did you know? Family time is the perfect time to find those deep core beliefs limiting you in your life and business today.
When you feel triggered, listen, really listen to what your mind says about them and you and journal it out.
In this podcast, I share why I think forgiveness is a word that’s totally misused in the new age movement and how we can actually use feeling triggered by someone to jump through years and years of therapy – if you know how to do it in a way that actually frees up energy.
“You know what it is about forgiveness, some of it sort of pisses me off because, in the new age healing movement, we are all supposed to know how to forgive, “Awe, you should forgive” “Just forgive them” and forgive your past and make a list of all the people you haven’t forgiven. You know the truth of it is, I think it’s not the right word. We’re not using the word forgiveness the right way and we don’t know how to forgive. I think we all generally want to forgive. We want to let people go. We want to forget what happened, but we don’t know how. The part that is missing in how we’re taught about forgiveness is that it’s not speaking much about how the brain is made up.”
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Full Transcript:
Hey you guys, I was thinking that I should probably, really go to the bathroom before I start recording this, but I’m going to go for it. If you need to go to the bathroom you can hit pause or you can get yourself some water. You know what? Why don’t we just sit down and hang out for a minute and relax? This shouldn’t take more than just five to ten minutes.
I wanted to chat about forgiveness.
You know what it is about forgiveness, some of it sort of pisses me off because, in the new age healing movement, we are all supposed to know how to forgive, “Awe, you should forgive” “Just forgive them” and forgive your past and make a list of all the people you haven’t forgiven. You know the truth of it is, I think it’s not the right word. We’re not using the word forgiveness the right way and we don’t know how to forgive. I think we all generally want to forgive. We want to let people go. We want to forget what happened, but we don’t know how. The part that is missing in how we’re taught about forgiveness is that it’s not speaking much about how the brain is made up. The brain is like a computer, it’s a machine. It’s going to remember everything on automatic. It works on automatic. Our subconscious is programmable from zero to eight so much so that it has no barriers to being programmable. So how many things happened to you from zero to eight that were less than love? That was anything but love?
So I hope I’m going to give you my best stuff, even though I need to go pee, but we are doing this. How often did your parents come home exhausted from work and you just got on their nerves and they sent you to your room? How often did you feel shame? How often did you feel fear and lack of safety? How often did you fear lacking approval, like you were never doing anything good enough? How much and how often were you perhaps just completely out of control and you didn’t know how to calm down? You wanted to stop crying, but you didn’t know how. You were punished and you were told to stop and you were told to go to your room, or you were even being graded at school on your performance.
I’m sorry if I’m putting you down here, I will get you back up. I just wanted to mention a little bit about forgiveness and what is it? It’s not just getting people off the hook. You are like a brilliant machine who is infinitely creative, infinitely capable of forgiving and being all loving for sure. That’s your truth. We have to take a lot of those instances and really honor them and really feel them through to completion. We’ve got to feel them.
Here is how I have come to learn about forgiveness. I’m really sorry, I should have taught this a long time ago because I’ve known about this for a couple of years. It’s been in my Freedom Parties, it’s been in my Awaking Heart Mastermind, but it’s like revolutionary. I’m French, I should be able to say that word! So, révolutionnaire, there you go. I did it. I’m speaking French in my podcast. It’s revolutionary because it’s freeing up old brain cells and old energies that were stored in your chakras in your energetic system.
Today as a parent, if you are a parent, or as a friend, or even a spouse, or if you are in a relationship. If you’re in a relationship with any human being, these old energies, these old memories are going to pop up. It’s not safe for me to be loved. I was loved and then I was punished or it’s not safe for me to love. It’s not safe for me to go out and really do my life purpose, because who is going to approve of me? I wasn’t approved of as a child.
I’m putting those thoughts out there because I think you are having them and a lot of us have them. You are not alone and there is a solution. It’s a fast solution if you’re ready to do this work. It takes work. It’s going to take work. That’s the part about forgiveness that I’m like, “you can’t forgive someone in five minutes” come on. It’s an entire, like, medical procedure of going into the energy and the feeling and getting it out through love, but there are easy steps and it can be done. You can free up so much energy so fast. I have this video about forgiving your mom, but really it could be about forgiving everybody, even yourself. If you want to learn more about forgiveness, I think maybe we should just chat, you and I and you should tell me where you are at with your life, who is triggering you today?
If I know who is triggering you today and what circumstance, what situations you’re manifesting that are bringing up the pain. That’s all we are going to work on is today’s issues, because here is the magic and here is why this is worth it to be speaking to me right now, or listening. If you have unresolved pain, emotional pain or energy stored in you from the past, this is how brilliant you were created. Right now, you are attracting a similar situation with different people that are going to resonate the same pain, to an extent, the same pain.
You can shove it down. You can push it away. You can avoid it. You can put the movie on. You can go out for a walk. It’s not going to release the same energy that is seeking to be released. You’ll just manifest another circumstance with another person in another city, wherever to bring it up, because, here is the trick, it is coming up to be released, my love. This person that’s triggering you today, or this situation that’s bringing up your fear of lacking approval or lacking safety, the bills, the debt, the lack of income or the lack of love, or the lack of support, the guilt, not being there for your kids, all of that is coming up to be loved. It’s coming up for your peace and your breakthroughs and your awakening.
If you want to take my hand, I would love to help you through this. I would love to help you free it up. That’s why I was put on this beautiful planet and why I tapped into this forgiveness work. Do you see why the word forgiveness does not do it justice, because it’s not just forgiveness, it’s like you are loving on what the person resonates in you, that’s what it is.
You’re using your hearts powerful, magnetic, brilliant energy, which first we work on awakening it by the way first so you have this magical heart and you’re manifesting so fast. Ask all of the ladies in my group. Ask them how fast they are manifesting. It’s so fun. They are having so much fun. Vacation, money, cash, relationships, jobs just awesome, awesome things. Healing, no longer being in pain, like physical and emotional pain. How great is that? That’s who you truly are by the way. That’s who you are, this beautiful, happy, free woman, who is not in pain, not in fear, she’s in everything that is flowing, easy, peaceful, and fun.
That’s who you are and we use that love energy to feel through to completion what the old, funky stuff is coming out. I don’t even need to bring it up, you know what it is, and you’re being triggered by it almost every day, almost every task you need to do it’s coming up. So if you want to put an end to it, fill in some of your info, let me know your name and then you’ll be taken to my calendar. Hopefully, you can find a time that suits you best and we can chat as soon as tomorrow or next week, whenever you have a second.
Lots of love, I’m so excited for you. If you want to jump on board it’s a revolutionary system, révolutionnaire for the Happy Soul Women, this is Danielle Dove again, bye bye.
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