Tip #1: Follow your feet 🙂 Wherever they take you – go with it!
Tip #2: Throw the covers off your hot bod and treat today as a brand sparkling new day! Here’s the Trick: Think of it as new even if there are routine things to do.
Tip #4: Decide (cuz there’s powerful stuff in deciding) today is a new day in which you allow yourself to Receive from Spirit (WITHOUT HAVING TO WORK DO SAVE HEAL OR CLEAN).
Tip #5: Ask the Angels to clear your third eye all the while affirming you are powerfully clairvoyant (yeahhhh!)
Tip #6: Today, whenever someone asks you what you are doing or where you are going, simply reply the truth:
“I am going on an adventure!”
Tip #7:Call on God’s love and light, remind the angels to protect you and bring your guidance, pack a lunch some water and go discover!
(Spiritual Adventures are meant to be done solo).
Tip #8: Notice synchronicity and gains from your new aspiration to have an adventure! Did you meet someone new? Did you discover a new path on your way home? A new meditation center? A feather on the floor just as you were asking for a sign?
Tip #9. Keep a personal journal only for notes about the awesome discoveries you have made along the way whether they be new ideas, new people, new anything you have found!
Tip #10. Affirm some parameters you can sing on your walk (rollerblading and singing is totally OK too).
“I am always safe on my spiritual adventures…all that I need to know is revealed to me… all that I need comes to me…”
Tip #11:Avoid bringing your cell phone on most spiritual adventures. Keep it simple. Look around, disconnect from the busyness. Sit by a tree and just listen for a few minutes.
– finally, go play in the light! Whether it’s taking a meditation class, sharing your new skill of oracle card readings with your friends, host an angel party, share your love of Spirit and be part of your community.
… and comeback to tell us about it here. If you have any new discoveries you would like to share, we’d love to hear from you!
