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Should I advertise my prices online? 

If you want to sell bigger packages, the answer is no.

If you are just starting out and want to practice, then perhaps, but read my argument below. I believe after 11 years as an energy healer for everyone from moms to CEOs of companies, that it's best to give them a price during a phone call after you both have come up with a plan to take her/him from where she is to where she wants to be.  People don't know or see the value of working with you until they've spent an hour on the phone with you.  With that said, here's the training on ... 

How to Transform a One-Off Client into a 3 months consistent client

How can I earn more as a healer and avoid burn out? 

I hear you sister and that's why I created a program to help healers and therapist learn how to sell packages instead of one-off sessions. 


Since the intake of a client takes a certain amount of energy - getting to know them, feel them, hear their story... if right then and there a therapist makes them see a 3 months package would give them greater support and transformation you actually give them a bigger gift and it’s less tiring on you because the intake and getting to know someone is what’s most tiring I find for introverted healers/therapists ... but once we know them and they stay it becomes so much more joyful to work with them I find 🙂


If you are an RTT Therapist or a healer

who tends to do her work in one session or 1-3 session, you can still sell packages.  

For more info and to have a chat with me so we can pinpoint what would be best and I can give you extra individual 1:1 insights apply below and book a tentative time to talk. 

"I'm looking forward to meeting you and 'read' for you to see what's blocking you in your business as an intuitive healer."

Want to chat about your packages? Apply below (it's free)
My humble super power for the past 11 years has been to be able to tune into someone's energy field and their subconscious to read their blocks and to find out why they a...
Intuitive Business Reading
1 Std.

Watched the training and not sure if offering complimentary clarity calls is for you?

In that initial conversation, you can also strengthen your intuition.

You ask questions, validate intuitive hunches you were getting, and dig deeper into reading their energy right then and there on the initial phone call... which if they sign up will make your sessions that much richer! I include lots of intuition development exercises in Rich Healer and the High Vibe Babe Bootcamp. 


So that first hour with the person you've 'manifested' and 'attracted' is complimentary to find out what they need and want why they are stuck and if you can help them.


From there you both can work together in a group or with some 1:1s and they will have much deeper transformation than if all you did was sell them a $150 session

What do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts so please leave a comment below or send me a message on Facebook! 

I'm looking forward to 'meeting' you on an upcoming zoom call... 

you can see me on facebook at or for my biz page. 


Be sure to subscribe for upcoming energy healing sessions and to be the first to hear when Rich Healer opens up again!


Energy Healer Alixe :) 

Founder of Rich Healer and the High Vibe Babe Bootcamp (Along with plenty of divine love and archangels because I never create anything without Mother Father God guiding me along). 

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