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Hey high vibe babe!

Welcome to Week 3

Energy Healing for Wealth 


Using your heart goal map below on a money goal daily can mean money/energy will show up for you faster than usual. 

Yes, it will grow your business but if you are consistently spending more money than you are making or need to make important financial decisions, please seek advice from a financial advisor and think about doing deeper work around self-worth and money/receiving.  I can give you some extra resources if needed. 

With that said, let's have fun getting imperturbable about money and calling it in using your joy and your magical heart! 

NOTE:  While I did my best to respect the 20 minutes/day audio, I decided to keep the videos from a previous very successful money challenge (because it was full of good happy vibes). So each video/audio is around 20 minutes but it does mean you will want to login to watch them here and follow along. 

The Facebook group where the challenged happened every time is the Awakening CEO facebook group, so think about joining in! It is at

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Success story!


After clearing a block with Alixe, within hours, I received calls and emails from clients asking to work with me right away. I ended up doubling my income that week. 

Joanna Ash, Singapore - 

Head of Brand and Corporate Communications

& Intuitive Consultant at

*Joanna and I kept working together to resolve a concern of hers. Her husband was not working or earning any money for several years while she was working a lot in corporate. We found beliefs that explained why she felt empowered to do so but she was burning out and wanted her husband to start bringing in money as well. Within 2 weeks or so of clearing on this topic, her husband got a gig as a photographer for week-ends and he earns $5,000 / weekend now.  She didn't have to nag him or ask him to get a job, she cleared on it with me (all her disapproval and all of her wanting) and he manifested the job on his own. So often, we can change our family members by clearing on it on our own. 

Your turn to get amazing gains!

Day 1

Week 3 Day 1 

It's time.

Time to prove to yourself energy clearing away resistance and blocks helps you manifest what you focus on.

I'll explain the trick to get your powerful subconscious on board with your goals and how fast you can manifest $100, then $1100 and even $10,000 or more with ease. 

We will have daily videos and tips to practice each day.

I think 20-40 minutes a day to clear the path to having it all with ease should do.

You're game?
* if the statement I allow myself to receive does not resonate with you, then change it to I allow myself to have $100/$1000 or more this week by taking guided actions (ie: just by clearing on the amount and taking guided actions).  



Originally some of the videos were recorded in 2016 for the Manifest $1100 in 11 days money challenge called "Allow all of heaven to help you!"


If you've never done a heart goal map with me before, then start at the $100 goal. I know it's small but it's meant to prove to yourself an extra random unexpected $100 can show up for you this week (or next week) but it will if you open up and clear all thinking around it.  This is to set you up to then call in $1000 after that.  

Do not skip this exercise, it's important to do it until it shows up. 


If you've done it already, and even gotten the $1,000 with ease, then what is your monthly minimum you need to reach to feel comfortable (not in the red)?  If that's $2,500 or more then do a heart goal map on that number coming in this week and track every dollar that comes in with utmost gratitude :) 


Please date when you start and mark the date when your money goal came in. 

Have any gains to report? What you focus on multiplies so share any small or big wins! The thread for Day 1 is here in this group

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Success story!

Week 3 Day 2 

Money loves happy

Day 2

 Homework for Day 2: 

_ Keep going clearing on your money goal using the heart goal map (oppositions)

_ Come up with your love languages and schedule in some fun! 


So you know how we say "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer"? 


Guess what!? That's true too when it comes to our own mindset and vibration. If I feel abundant I attract abundance in every way.


What can you notice throughout your day that makes you feel UBER ABUNDANT?

Even while you're still living a life you don't entirely love, can you still feel and see the divine at play in your life today? 

I go into the 5 LOVE LANGUAGES and how to love language yourself or allow yourself to receive your love language. 


Trust me when I'm on vacation having fun I always end up having much better months financially than when I forget to PLAY.

So for today: come up with crazy fun things to do over the next 14 days-  schedule them in - put them in your phone - and share here on this FB thread what's your LOVE LANGUAGE? 


So we can support you and send you a ton of love the way you best understand it.

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Week 3, Day 3

Approval + Money

Day 3

it's all about



Keep going!

You're bigger

than your fear

Clearing 3.3  

Let's keep moving through that heart goal map! 

Energy releases faster when we feel happy and already have had some love pour in, so if you can get a hug, or have a nice view, your kiddy cat nearby as you release all wanting on your heart goal mpa. 


Join me, grab a piece of paper or your heart goal map  and as you look at the question: 

If I had oppositions to allowing myself to have the $____ amount with ease, what would it be? 

Pause, listen and clear with love, with the light, and by identifying if it's a want for approval, control or safety and letting it go. Ready!? 


Can I let go of resisting having this amount come in with ease? yes? yes! and even more? yes! 


Clear all wanting, oppositions and likes/dislikes. 

What did you think? What was your big ahah? 

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Week 3 Day 4

Clearing Poverty Vows

Day 4

When you've completed this assignment, please comment below! xo

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Day 5

Week 3 Day 5 

Attached no more

Awesome now that you got 100% ok with always getting $100 or more with ease, let's also look at the 2nd biggest block to having it!


The video guides you through clearing out the attachment, and the audio below guides you through the advantages and disadvantages.  Print out the Heart Goal Map side B and it will make more sense. 

While the video was recorded live in FB years back, if you connect to the time of the recording and feel as though you are in the group with us, you'll feel the clearing :) 

Here's the FB Group / thread to share any small or big wins. It's very encouraging to every one to hear from each other about positive gains you are getting! 

Comment below with any happy gains or wins! 

Week 3 Day 6 

Yeah! You are doing so great! The more you clear, the easier it will be to get imperturbable around money and allow yourself to have even more of it regularly. 

TIP: We clear on a money goal not so much to get it, but to get imperturbable when we think about it - and inadvertently that's when it has an easier time finding us. 

Here are two mp3s:

one is just a question: 

why would I be opposed to new money coming in (if you've been living off the same source of money for a long time this question is for you... or if you've been living off savings/investments, you can release on allowing new money coming in). 


The other is clearing oppositions to sell products/services on your website (if it's appropriate, if not, save it for later, or do it just to see what comes up). 

And third, clearing oppositions to being rich. Just rich. 

Raspberry Popsicles
Day 6

Comment below to let us know you've completed it! xo

Week 3 Day 7

Day 7

Ok just for fun! 

Do this clearing on a $10,000 money goal. 

Two women got it the week we did it, so you never know :) 

The goal is to make room for you to have more, with love, with heart centeredness, with feelings and less thinking :)

You'll feel lighter and happier the more you clear, so let's do it just to have fun. 

Plus you may get a $10,000 idea once you cleared both sides of this... I got a $10k idea once to run a workshop over 2 weekends. It was a $1,000 / person and 10 people signed up!  Since then I've had other months where $10k showed up by selling packages but I love how fast money comes once our energy is more neutral around it. 

Meiling in Vegas got her $10k bonus at work (unexpectedly) the week of the call. 

Jaci in the UK got a $10k gift from unexpectedly also just after the call. 

Others have gotten much bigger gains in their business (Jill and Terence in the multiple six figures and Tom in Park City got a $50k consulting contract unexpectedly also). 

You can do it, have fun! The universe loves you! 

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