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Set your goals from your heart

Writer's picture: Alixe K. TraceyAlixe K. Tracey

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Goals made from lack

…always end up creating more lack.

As we near the end of 2014, you might experience a long range of emotions.

From excitement to nostalgia, loneliness and sadness, I urge you to let those emotions flow through you and to accept them all as is.

Often it is not the right time to set goals in motion – from a place of lack.

Rather, decide to be here and now with those feelings, to welcome them up and to be fully with them.

When is the best time to set goals?

When you have fully accepted the now and the now no longer resonates pain in you.

Am I being cruel? Asking you to sit with your feelings and the now instead of dreaming up a better dream?

Actually I truly have your best interest in mind.

For only through letting go and acceptance can you be in the ideal state to plant new seeds for a better tomorrow.

When you try and change the now – out of frustration – out of fear – you aren’t able to fully extract the reason why it is happening to you.

Sit with what your old self created.

For it is always you who created the now – no one else – and if you are in pain due to outside circumstances – you are the only one who created it.

That knowledge alone will set you free for in taking responsibility you can stop blaming and get out of being a victim.

Once you get out of being a victim, you can choose a different life in the now, for yourself.

You can make decisions from an empowered place, not a state of overwhelm.

Get abundant and then set your goals

If you set a goal in motion from a place of lack, down the line, whether you achieve your goal or not – like a boomerang, you will get back the original essence you were in when you set the goal in motion – thus either more lack or more abundance if you felt abundant at that time.

For example, someone who starts working out and dieting from a place of feeling too fat, unhealthy and lacking approval, down the line, after weeks or months, she will automatically experience more reasons to feel fat, unhealthy and less approval.

It is automatic.

That’s the energy we live in today.

We live in an energy of mirrors.

Anything inside of you unreleased will show up in your reality in the form of an outside circumstance or person showing up.

So please, don’t set any goals from a place of feeling frustrated or sick of it…

If you need more money and got a job from a place of ‘needing more’, do you end up manifesting more bills at the same time so that you are back to zero?

Making more money but also ending up spending more?

Go back to healing, releasing, freeing yourself of those original feelings of lack and decide, intuitively, lovingly, easily, to create a better goal, from accepting what is.

Only through accepting what is can you have the right heart energy to create something that lasts and growth with time.

2015 is here

It’s usually a time where we want to think about the year ahead.

Did that sentence alone resonate fear or lacking approval, control or safety in you?

Get in touch with that dear one.

Sit with that fear or anxiety when you think of 2015 and just let it be here.

Without judging it or wanting to change it, be fully with it.

Only through your love can you have the power to transmute the lacking feeling.

Not filling it up with more activities, running, errands and shopping.

But sitting with it and having A + experiences can you have enough love in you to transmute the lack and thus guarantee the greatest future and retirement: one of freedom, love and true inner and outer abundance.

Invest in your freedom

Going free in 2015 ought to be your #1 goal and priority.

More specifically going free from overwhelming emotions resonated in you by a certain person or situation.

  1. If every time you pay for an item and your heart tightens and you fear lack, make it a goal to release your fear of lack around money.

  2. If every time you see someone kids wishing you had your own, sit with what that situation resonates in you.

The longer you can breathe and release the lacking feeling any situation resonates in you the faster you will shift out of lack’in and into hav’in.

If you are living with someone who acts a certain way that pushes your buttons, sit with that too.

Get to a place where you don’t need them to change because whatever pain they resonated in you is no longer in you.

Unload the gun and there aren’t any triggers anymore.

Does it work?

Am I crazy to say: stop, feel do no-thing, release, be, go free?

Does this stuff even work?

What do you think? What do you feel?

Does the other way work?

Does fighting what is work for you?

Swimming upstream and burning out?

“I was once asked why I don’t participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I’ll be there.”    ~Mother Teresa

Breathe my friend. This stuff does work it just takes time, it takes changing your mental habits, mastering a technique of letting go (that works for you), having faith and praying to something benevolent you believe in that can come in and help you (and it works for you over and over again).

Spend more time walking outside without any headphones, just being, read books you feel called to read and most importantly focus on asking yourself:

What does this person / situation resonates in me and can I have the courage to sit with what that is? Can I love it ‘it’ so much that it dissolves?

Anything anyone has ever resonated in you, is pain you unfortunately buried inside your body and chakra system as a child. So focus on the person in question as a true helper – an angel in disguise- helping you heal unreleased emotions so you can set yourself free.

Why love dissolves

the heart energy is the most potent energy there is to transmute and dissolve the very energy that was set in motion (back then) to create a difficult reality today.

Let me explain.

If you disapprove of something in your reality today – it’s the old you who created it.

She needed to experience it at some point otherwise you wouldn’t be in that reality.

Loving her, loving you, loving what is can transmute and dissolve the energies.

“What you resists persists, what you love dissolves” — Danielle Dove

What if you feel stuck?

Get unstuck master class 2015 is here.

2 months 12 calls.

deep energy healing work.

Clearing deeply all that keeps you feeling stuck.

You make the choice – it’s enough – no more emotional blues keeping you from feeling creative, efficient, all loving and free.

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I’ve got your covered

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– And come back here to sign up for the master class where you will join us for the

  1. 12 Live Calls where I will teach you the releasing technique I teach to my private clients.

  2. We will do the releasing ceremony together for 2014, releasing all that has passed fully through to completion.

  3. I will teach you the fastest way to clear cancel delete old goals that keep creating a reality that resonates pain in you (and from experiencing life from an all loving place).

  4. We will get to a place of acceptance, activate your intuition and from there intuit into your ideal heart centered goals for the year ahead.

Bonus: We will have a sacred ceremony to call forward the energy of 2015 for you and pick 12 cards with a reading for each month (using Leonie’s planner to fill it out).

Let’s do it right this year!

Get unstuck Master Class begins Tuesday December 9th & 11th with 2 Free preview calls & angel meditations to begin clearing and accepting all that’s transpired in 2014 on the 9th and 11th of December 2014.

Other dates will be:

Tuesday/Thursday: 1PM PST / 4PM EST

December 16 + 18, 31,

January 1, 6, 8, 13, 14, 20 & 22 2015

**Why so many dates, twice a week, every Tuesday/Thursday?

To release the old energy of 2014 and learn the freedom technique I teach takes time and repetition.

The more you attend the live classes, the easier the letting go and releasing will be.


Will the calls be recorded if I can’t attend them Live?

Yes all calls are recorded and sent to you via email as soon as the call is over.

What if I have questions, will I be able to receive a reading?

I always offer intuitive readings based on your first name and the vibration of your question. I have a very high accuracy rate and many readings have come true (thank you Spirit). If you cannot attend a meditation/call LIVE you can submit your question via email or on the FB group and I will do my best to give everyone a reading at least once throughout the master course.

What do I receive upon signing up?

  1. You will receive the heart chakra activation meditation to begin healing and clearing the most important chakra for manifesting in your life. Recorded in the South of France it has received amazing reviews and results.

  2. You will receive easy to fill out worksheets to take an inventory of where you are now and to identify the biggest issues in your life we should focus on shifting.

  3. All 12 calls recorded to keep forever

  4. A new group of conscious friends and thriving community.

  5. 1 on 1 help from me, Danielle Dove, looking at your energy over several weeks.


Manifest Sacred Spaces ecourse or the Law of Attraction Twin Flame Love ecourse (depending on what your intention is for the year ahead: manifesting love or a better home/more sacred personal space? Ecourse available starting February 1 after the Master Class is over)

Why do I need Leonie’s Calendar?

It’s full of light and love to help you set goals from a place of love. It has the perfect questions to help you bring 2014 through to completion followed by the prettiest pages to write down your goals for 2015.

You can of course use any other planner you would like. I do receive a small affiliate thank you money from each sale through this link.

I have been using them since 2010 manifest an amazing life and biz since then.

How do I sign up? Intuitive Pricing

I am going to use something I have used in the past that has worked really well for the course.

You price this course using your intuition.

Just as you will create your magical year in life + biz 2015 using your intuition, heart and faith, let’s see what numbers come up for you when you ask your intuition how much this course would be worth for you.

Whatever number you receive is your price and what you will get out of it.

Breathe, sit back, relax and think of the highest light bringing down Archangel Michael + Raphael:

Ask them to clear your space outside of you and within you,

your third eye and ear chakras so your intuitive channels can be open and clear.

Let’s connect you to the divine white light of Source that is of the highest and best.

Now when your mind + heart is silent,

ask whether this course is for you.

Breathe. Let go. Make it fun!

If you feel like an opening in your heart and gut, ask to receive a number to contribute towards this course.

Whatever Feeling or Answer you See Flashing In Your Mind’s Eye,

Go with it!

I am all about vibrations and the answer you get is a vibrational match to what you need today.

Whatever number you receive ask whether it is a ‘one time’ contribution or a multiple contribution over several weeks or months.

And just use Paypal to send it to

Is intuitive pricing not for you?

If you didn’t receive a number but would really like to join us, this LIVE course is valued from $200 – $899 depending on how much you can put into this goal and intention course. My private clients pay $1700 for 6 calls with me so you are getting a great opportunity working with me on this group call.

Intuive PricingI’m in! $222.00 USDThis is what I need! $444.00 USDI’m ready to go free! $888.00 USD

Thank you Beautiful Bright Soul!

I look forward to our journey together.


Danielle Dove.

PS: I happily guarantee results and shifts. If after 30 days nothing has shifted for you and you made every effort to attend the calls and participate, I will refund 100% of your money.  I believe you will experience major shift and I always give 100%.

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