Hello Dear Amazing Ones,
I am grateful for you today.
Grateful you even showed up and decided it would be smart to read about energy healing, angels and intuition.
It’s actually one of your best moves ever.
I believe it can make all of our lives way way way better. But that’s not why I am writing today – that’s for another blog post. For today I am grateful for the opportunity to spend an entire month (while Mercury is Retrograding) to be grateful for what I have (and have you all join me too).
Here’s why Gratitude is going to Boost your Love Life, Pocket Book and Health!
When Mercury is Retrograding it offers us the most opportune time to look at our lives and rearrange a few things that quite friendly, you decided on manifesting a while back and it may no longer work for you OR energize the parts of your life that are SUPER AWESOME.
I always say, I am like a Vegas Buffet – I’ve got lots of suggestions. You take the ones that look yummy to you today.
My first Suggestion is you join us over at the Gratitude Project for the month of November and spread the word!
When doing the Gratitude Project (here’s another suggestion of mine) Only put your energy into what you’d like to see more of and reaffirm those old affirmations/goals/visualizations you did a while back that got you the amazing life you have now.
If you are still in the midst of manifesting an amazing life, then keep them coming day and night – saying your affirmations (with a mirror even better) upon waking up and going to sleep. (And you’ll be practicing Healing Dove Therapy’s 3rd Pillar of Happiness: Faith and Positivity!!! Nothing better than double whamming the universe with your powers!).
Here’s the Gratitude Project INFO: http://carlakaywhite.com/2012/10/30-days-of-gratitude-are-you-in/
I’ll be posting my Gratitude on Facebook if you want to follow me and my life of grateful things: https://www.facebook.com/dovedanielle
Are you ready to have the best month EVER and showing Mercury Retrograde you are oh so willing to slow down and revisit what it is you are intending to have happen in your life?
Yes you are that powerful my dear.
Welcome Home.
